The Girl with a Pearl Earring, 1665
Johannes Vermeer, 1632 - 1675
Merlot from Chile.
The Girl with a Pearl Earring, 1665
Johannes Vermeer, 1632 - 1675
Merlot from Chile.
Merlot thrives in Chile. The climate is a gift to winemakers and allows this grape variety to sing. The fruit expression, balance and concentration make our merlot a superb example of this wine.
Vermeer painted his most famous image at a time of huge social change in Holland and across Europe (c.1665). The invention of the limited liability company had allowed Dutch merchants to pool risk and seek trade further afield, slowly opening up markets like Chile and South America, which had only been discovered around 100 years earlier.
To see the original of this image visit the Mauritshuis in The Hague.
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